You are the best

Since millennia the woman has had a very important roll in the business world, our mission with "Worldwide Beauty International", is to encourage the woman and any person who desires financial freedom, distributing our products wholesale and without exaggerated surcharges.


The handbags, they are, have been and will be symbol of elegance, beauty, delicacy and at the same time economic domain (for their secrets very well kept).



The bag that was used in the Middle Ages was made with deerskin, pork or udder bristle: thus were the handbags made by the influential guild of Paris poets in the thirteenth century for the use of villains, since the powerful had bags of embroidered cloth.

They were closed with two cords whose ends hung from the mouth of the bag and were opened by means of another, with which it hung from the waist.

They were the object of a frequent gift; in 1298 as a wedding gift the Countess of Artois received a dozen bags of Saracen cloth.


We intend to make the woman's heart happy and, at the same time, change helping her to have a different lifestyle, becoming an entrepreneur or not an entrepreneur, as an independent distributor. When family or individuals achieve financial stability, they can create better ideas to keep their family stable and protected.